We’re excited to introduce to you a new member of the Songs for Saplings team, Adam Smith. Adam will be serving as General Manager.
Adam’s arrival reflects an intentional effort by Songs for Saplings to pivot our focus towards strategic international projects and partnerships. It also reflects our strategic prioritization of Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili translations.
This is a big and exciting new step in strategically growing our organization’s capacity. Adam has been a friend and enthusiastic advocate of Songs for Saplings for over five years now. We first met him when he was leading the team developing strategies and tools for international children’s ministry at Operation Christmas Child (OCC). During that time, OCC made our Questions with Answers material part of its international program and sponsored the beginning of our Spanish translations with a generous grant.
Since then, Adam continued to work with us on a volunteer basis—helping us reach new partners and begin our work on new strategic language translations.
We are thrilled to have Adam on board. He comes to us with deep experience developing, launching and managing international programs and partnerships. These include international theological initiatives, children’s programs and projects providing resources for local churches. Adam also holds a Master of Divinity degree from Westminster California.